Last day of term!

We have informed the children that as it is the last day of term, they are welcome to bring in electronic devices to play with during part of tomorrow morning, as long as they have your permission to do so.

We have also made it clear to the clear that school are not to be held responsible at all for these devices, should they be allowed to bring them in.

The children are also welcome to bring in a second snack to keep them going until 1pm.

Happy Summer Holidays!


Weekly Update 17.7.18

Miss Ozanne’s Class – Swimming

Miss Ozanne’s Class have their final swimming session tomorrow (Wednesday).

Library Book Reminder

The library has now closed, so please root around for those library books that are yet to be returned. We will also accept any school books that may be around.

Report Slips Reminder

We hope that you have enjoyed celebrating your child’s achievements this year. We look forward to receiving your slips as soon as possible.

Lost Property

There is a table set up outside our classrooms with so much lost property – please come in to have a look!

Plastic bag

The children will be bringing books and work home over the next couple of days, so a named plastic bag would be really handy.

End of Year

Term finishes at 1pm on Thursday.


Many thanks to you all for your support this year.  We have really enjoyed teaching your children and we wish them all well as they move into Year 6.

Year 5 Team

Weekly Update 3.7.18

Miss Ozanne’s Class – Final Tennis Session on Monday 9th July

The children will need their Games kit for this session. Miss Ozanne’s class will also need their shorts/tshirts or pyjamas for their swimming sessions this Wednesday (4th July) as well as next Wednesday (11th July) for survival skills.

Sponsored Swim

Well done to everyone for taking part in the sponsored swim. Remember to collect your sponsor money as soon as you can.


The children have taken part in a session with the pupils in Year 6, finding out about the topics and activities that they will be getting up to.  Later this week the Year 4 children will come up to visit and find out about life in Year 5.

Class Assemblies

Many thanks for the support given to helping with scripts, costumes and props. Mrs Shillito’s and Miss Ozanne’s Classes put on some great performances to the rest of the school. Only Mrs De Sousa’s Class to go!

Beach Trip

We are planning to take the children for an afternoon of fun on the beach at Moulin Huet on Friday 13th July from 12pm until 2.30pm.  If you are available and would like to come along with us, then please let your child’s class teacher know.

Have a great week

Annual Pupil’s Survey 2018

Dear Parents and Carers

Annual pupils survey 2018

Over the next few weeks our school will participate in an-island wide survey for some pupils in years 5 – 13. The survey is undertaken online and will help us to find out the views, attitudes and behaviours of all young people about our school. The questions have been shaped by the Children and Young People’s plan that was approved by the States of Deliberation in March 2016.

The survey method that we are using has been developed by the Schools Health Education Unit, Exeter and has been in use now for over 30 years. In Guernsey we have been undertaking these surveys since the 1990’s.

Each questionnaire is anonymous and confidential, and no pupil will be identified when the data is collated and returned to your school.

I hope you will agree with us that this is an exercise in which we wish to co-operate fully.  I will assume you do approve unless I hear otherwise.

If you have any enquiries about the Guernsey Young People’s Survey please contact Alun Williams, Lifelong Learning Manager at Education Services on tel: 01481 733000 or

The survey will be carried out in June/July 2018.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Mason