Weekly Update 12/09/17

The children have had a fantastic first week of year 5 and are getting used to being in the Upper Juniors. We have been really impressed with how well they have settled.


We have embarked on our first class novel and the children are becoming immersed in ‘How to Train Your Dragon’. We are also continuing with our spelling focus of homophones.


In Numeracy, the children are exploring place value and will be investigating their own lines of inquiry on Friday.

Rainbow Maths Launch

Next Friday (22nd September), the school is holding a Rainbow Maths Day. The children are being asked to come to school in bright colours and they will be taking part in maths activities. They will receive their Rainbow Maths targets on this day.

Thank you for your continued support,

Year 5 Team

Homework 08.09.17

This week, we have sent home ideas for you to use with your child(ren) over the year.


After hearing you son/daughter read, it can be useful to see what they have understood. The Somerset Literacy Network, who are the island advisers, have put together sample questions that you can use to prompt responses. They cover a range of strategies and draw out understanding.

Please find below a copy of these questions.

Sample Reading Questions



Mental maths skills help children to increase accuracy and confidence when tackling more complicated methods. Attached is a copy of some ideas that you can use at home to practise these skills with your son/daughter.

Mental Maths Ideas

Have a lovely weekend,

Year 5 Team

Weekly Update 05/09/17

Welcome to the Upper Juniors!

We hope that the children have all enjoyed their first day in year 5 and that they are ready for the exciting term ahead.


All children should have brought home a Reading Record. Please encourage your son/daughter to read every day and record it in their books. Although the majority of the children are fluent readers, we also recommend that they read out loud to an adult at least 3 times a week. Please can you sign their reading records when you have heard them. Reading records will be handed in once a week and housepoints will be given.


In Literacy this week, we will be doing a free write and will delving into a little bit of poetry.


In Numeracy, we will be data handling and problem solving.


We will be going back in time to Ancient Egypt over the coming weeks, starting off with tomb explorations.


Each week, the children will be given one piece of homework, which will be either Literacy, Numeracy or topic based. This is so that the children will also have time to work on times tables and other mental maths skills and reading.


PE – Mrs Greer’s Class: Tuesday; Mrs de Sousa’s Class and Mrs Shillito’s: Thursday 

Games – Mrs Shillito’s Class and Mrs de Sousa’s Class: Monday; Mrs Greer’s Class: Friday

Swimming – Mrs Shillito’s Class and Mrs de Sousa’s Class: Tuesday; Mrs Greer’s Class: Wednesday

All children have a copy of their class timetable. Please encourage them to be independent and to use their timetables to ensure they have the right equipment on the right days.

If you are able to help your child’s class with swimming or reading, please let your child’s class teacher know.

We look forward to meeting you at the information evening on Thursday at 7pm.

Year 5 Team